
Maintaining Mediocrity's Store

Created by maintainingmediocrity

A continuation of my previous Galaxy series- more earrings, pins, and keychains!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

WE DID IT~! Thank you!
about 3 years ago – Mon, Mar 08, 2021 at 05:10:39 AM

Just a quick update to say a huge THANK YOU to all 290 of you guys for another great campaign!! :) I seriously could not have done any of this without your help!!

What's next? I'm currently working on opening pre-orders for UK-based backers. After that, I'll be setting up Backerkit, which is where you'll be redirected to complete your surveys. I'll be releasing more information on Backerkit and how to utilize that service in the upcoming weeks, but in short- Backerkit is set up kind of like an online shop where you'll be able to "spend" the amount you pledged for here on Kickstarter. The great thing about Backerkit is that if you wanted to add more items from the current campaign or if you didn't pledge enough, you can pay for the difference with a card or Paypal. You'll also  be able to shop from the previous collection and add those designs to your order for no additional shipping cost.

If you backed my previous Galaxy collection, you're already familiar with how Backerkit works, and it'll be set up very similar to last time. I'll be releasing an extensive step-by-step guide on how to fill out your surveys and use Backerkit in the next few weeks!

In the meantime, we have a few errored pledges. Please make sure that your charge has gone through and if not, you may need to update your payment information! If your payment is still errored after 7 days, Kickstarter will drop your pledge and you will not receive any rewards :(

Lastly, I am working on finishing up the freebie sticker! It'll be a 3" clear vinyl sticker, waterproof and weatherproof, but the design will remain a surprise for now. Keep an eye out for another update tomorrow!

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns~

XO Audrey

Instagram | Twitch | Shop

Final wave of stretch goals, final 7 days!!!!
about 3 years ago – Sat, Mar 06, 2021 at 11:25:42 PM

Happy Friday, friends! I've been working hard over the past week figuring out the last few stretch goals for the campaign. I've received so many wonderful suggestions and don't worry- there will most likely be a Galaxy collection pt. 3 by the end of the year LOL

The final 4 stretch goals are all earrings, and 3/4 are already funded! We've got Cad Bane's blaster*, tie fighters, Hera's Ghost ship from Rebels, and Cal Kestis' lightsaber from Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. I hope you like em!

*Bane's blaster is part of the blaster earring collection. Like the lightsaber earrings, at the end of the campaign, you'll be able to mix n match Bane's design with Leia and Han's blasters too :)

I'll continue updating throughout the week especially as we get closer to the end of the campaign. It's been a truly wonderful 2 weeks and I really am so grateful for all of your help funding these designs! Additionally, if you'd like to add to your initial pledge, please refer to the Pledge Adjustment section first. After you've read through the guide, if you still need assistance, feel free to contact me and I can look over your math~!

XO Audrey

Instagram | Twitch | Shop

Mix n match stud earrings - FEEDBACK PLEASE~
about 3 years ago – Fri, Mar 05, 2021 at 08:45:24 AM

Hi guys! We have just 53!!! hours left of the Kickstarter and almost 30 unique designs funded. I am so incredibly happy and grateful for your support!

It has been brought to my attention that there's an interest for mix n match heart ship stud earrings (featured below). Instead of pledging for same design pair, would you guys be interested in "build your own" style stud earrings much like the lightsaber earrings? You'll be able to choose from Millennium Falcon, Hera's Ghost, and tie fighter.

When Backerkit surveys are sent out, you'll be able to build your own pair. You'll be asked to choose the first design, and then the second to build your pair. You can choose the same for both designs (ie. Ghost/Ghost) or a combination of your choice (ie. Ghost/Tie Fighter).

If this is something you guys would be interested in, please let me know below! A simple YES! would be good! If not, then the heart ship earrings will be sold as same design pairs (Ghost/Ghost) and there will be no mixing.

Thank you guys!

XO Audrey

General FAQ and more stretch goals!
about 3 years ago – Tue, Feb 23, 2021 at 04:58:05 PM

Happy Friday everyone!! I hope you all have fun, safe plans for the weekend~ I just wanted to address a couple of general questions I've been receiving.

Q: Can the $20 earrings be mismatched?

A: Yes, however there are some limitations. After the Kickstarter ends, you'll be able to "custom build" each pair of earrings you pledged for. For example, if you pledged for 1 pair of $20 earrings and you choose lightsabers, you can build two of the same style (Ben Solo/Ben Solo) or two different styles (Ventress/Dooku). The same can be applied for blaster earrings; you can choose Leia/Leia, Han/Han, or Leia/Han. However, you can NOT build 1 lightsaber and 1 blaster in the same pair.

Q: How will you know which designs I want from each tier?

A: I will be using Backerkit, which is a service adjacent to Kickstarter and acts a bit like a mini shop, where you'll be able to select which designs you pledged for. Essentially, the amount you pledge here on Kickstarter will transfer over to Backerkit and act as credit. Backerkit also allows you to add more designs to your order and pay for the difference with Paypal or credit card.

*I will be updating with more information and a step by step guide on how to use Backerkit after the campaign has ended,

Q: Can I add designs from Galaxy collection pt. 1 to my current pledge?

A: No, not at the moment. Please pledge for only the items from Galaxy collection pt. 2 (this Kickstarter). Through Backerkit, you'll be able to add designs from the previous collection to your order and they will ship altogether. You'll have to pay for these additional items with Paypal or credit card, and it will be an entirely separate transaction from what you pledge here on KS.


Lastly, I just wanted to say HUGE thanks for your continuous support! Since the launch of this campaign I've received so many lovely messages and comments from you guys, and it's very very much appreciated :) I'm just happy y'all like the new designs I've been putting out! AND it's thanks to you! I've taken down all of your suggestions for future stretch goals. And speaking of stretch goals- we have fully funded the 7 designs I revealed yesterday!! So.. I'll be working on more designs this weekend :)!!!

I am honestly so blown away by how much we have accomplished in just over a week. We have about 2 weeks left, and I'm hoping to release 1 (or 2!) more wave of stretch goals in that time. Don't forget, you can always share this project with a friend if you'd like to see more stretch goals unlocked! If you guys would like me to add MORE EARRINGS or MORE PINS, please let me know in the comments below so I have an idea of what to prioritize~

And don't forget, if at any point during the campaign you'd like me to double check your math, please don't hesitate to reach out to me! You can message me here on Kickstarter or DM me on Instagram (but please have your backer number ready).

XO Audrey

Instagram | Twitch | Shop

New stretch goals~! Thank you!
about 3 years ago – Fri, Feb 19, 2021 at 07:41:36 AM

Happy Thursday!!

Thank you guys for all the continued support on my project!!! Like, for real. Holy cow. In the last update, I asked what you guys would like to see as stretch goals and got some incredible feedback. So, here are the new stretch goals available!

Thanks to your wonderful support, a lot of our stretch goals are already funded and unlocked!! If you'd like to add any of these designs to your current pledge, please refer to the pledge adjustment chart. If you'd like me to double check your pledge amount math, please contact me! I'm more than happy to help :)

I'm always open to more suggestions for stretch goals, so definitely leave those in the comments below! Or, let me know what you think about the new designs~!

XO Audrey

Instagram | Twitch | Shop